An important announcement from the Hermitty Peoples’ Armored Brigade…

Ready to build that critical underground bunker, but your poor tyranny-oppressed back just isn’t up to all the digging? Take heart, hermitty peoples of the outback! The HPAV Gulchendiggensmoothen is now taking orders for empty space to replace all that annoying dirt that’s now in the way! Or, if you prefer, the other way ’round!

It may be old. It may be ugly. It could maybe profit from a few gallons of WD40 to get it to stop creaking in the morning. But all that’s true of me too, and I generally show up sooner or later.

Alas, it’s not mine. Say hello to M’s New Toy! (Which is a far more likely name, when finalized, than the one I just gave it, I do confess.)

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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One Response to An important announcement from the Hermitty Peoples’ Armored Brigade…

  1. Mayberry says:

    I like Gulchendiggensmoothen…

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