I got the short (front) wall done, except for finishing the window frame. Thin knotty cedar tongue-and-groove, and you’d hunt me down wherever I hid if I told you what I paid for it. I had to put up the siding as I insulated the wall, because the insulation for that wall consists of a very large amount of cast-off clothing. The siding was originally made to cover fancy garage doors in a city, but somebody screwed up and shipped several pallets of seconds. A lot of it is too warped to use in its full length. A friend bought it all cheap and transported it here, used what he wanted and had beaucoup left over. I’ve been waiting to use this stuff for a long time – I didn’t start getting excited about the project till I found it was available because I hate drywall with a heaving, whinnying, foam-flecked passion.
That wall looks pretty and it isn’t even finished yet. 8^)
Very nice! Who knew desert curmudgeons had such good taste. You’ll enjoy that. Keep those pics coming please. K
Why it is almost as nice looking as your blog Joel. ;O) (sorry I couldn’t resist)
That does look beautiful Joel would you have to treat it with a linseed type oil or is it pretty well maintenace free?
It shouldn’t actually need any maintenance at all. I’m going to treat it all with tung oil in future, just for looks.
Not sure why you have such a hatred of drywall…but your cedar wall sure looks nice. No question!!
And you shouldn’t have any problem with bugs!
(verify word is cedrants. Heh.)