Big changes in a little cabin…

…always mean playing Tetris with the furniture.

Tobie’s bed fits very neatly between the woodstove and the bedroom doorway. That also happens to be exactly the space needed for the woodbox and a dog’s feeding station, plus that fabric bed was never going to work there once the stove gets hot. Ergo, come winter we were always going to have to do some fiddling.

At first I figured he’d just move into the bedroom with me, but for whatever reason he won’t sleep or even spend much time in the bedroom. I get the impression he has decided that’s Uncle Joel’s lair and he doesn’t feel comfortable there*. Either way, main room or bedroom, the time has come when there isn’t room in the Lair for two reading chairs.

So I moved the second-best chair out to the trailer, and later today I’ll take it to Ian’s place for the winter. I brought the best chair into the bedroom, where it doesn’t fit as well but it’s the best chair. And I already knew there was a small problem with the next step…

The next step is to put Tobie’s bed where the best chair used to be, but I’m not going to expose Chewpuppy to the temptation of all those wires.


I found some OSB and a scrap 2X2 and made a shield to deliver him from temptation. The bed went where the chair used to be…

The feeding station and woodbox went where the bed used to be…

…and rather to my surprise he seems okay with the new arrangement.

ETA: Unfortunately the second-best chair is going to have to spend some time under a tarp on the porch instead of at Ian’s, because see next exciting episode.

* He’ll come in to check on my wakefulness in the morning; he usually comes in briefly to sort of say goodnight when I retire. And of course he stands watch at the bedroom windows when I’m not there, if I leave the door open, because he’s a dog and dogs are sneaky. But if we’re in there together he acts nervous around me in ways he never does when we’re both in the main room. I dunno why. As far as I’m concerned he’s perfectly welcome to sleep in the bedroom as long as he doesn’t try to claim the bed. Who can tell the ways of a dog?

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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One Response to Big changes in a little cabin…

  1. Mike says:

    What this reminds me of is an adult version of the number slide puzzles I remember from my childhood. Good luck Joel.

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