Laddie is clicking back and forth, growling at the windows…

…once in a while coming over and staring at me in my chair as if to ask, “How oblivious are you exactly?” I am ignoring him, as usual, though he clearly believes my neglect of simple perimeter security is suicidally irresponsible. This is because Laddie assigns the same level of urgency to a bird roosting in the eaves as he would to a mountain lion consuming a fawn on the front porch*. He truly seems to find all this natural stuff alarming – until a couple of days ago the robins were migrating through, and he thought a flock of robins in the yard was just the most unnatural thing he’d ever seen.

In general I’m surprised at what a serious dog he is. I have only seen pictures and videos of Corgis before meeting him, and I expected something more happy and goofy. He has his enthusiasms, to be sure, but I seldom see that famous Corgi grin. Mostly he just very seriously attempts to guide me to correct actions and sensible decisions.

* Full Disclosure: we haven’t put that last thing to the test. Yet.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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10 Responses to Laddie is clicking back and forth, growling at the windows…

  1. Bill says:

    You said: “Mostly he just very seriously attempts to guide me to correct actions and sensible decisions.”

    Well, his mother was Susan!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Yes, Bill, you are right. Susan was not a playful or grinning person. She was incredibly thoughtful, kind and logical, and of course brilliant, but not a person to roll on the floor with the pup. Laddie was often found just under the table, or in the middle of the traffic pattern, watchfully assessing his surroundings. Susan used to nudge him and yell at him to “get out o’ the road!” when he would decide to rest in the middle of the pathways. But I never saw them playing. So, Joel, maybe you get to teach Laddie to play a bit more and lighten up. Lions eating fawns. On the porch. I hope that never happens. **

  3. Joel says:

    Yeah, I figured. The one time I got down on the floor with him he was positively alarmed. He wants to chase everything he sees but I’m really not sure he even understands the concept of “play.”

  4. Mark Matis says:

    Heh. Will he chase a laser pointer???

  5. fred says:

    trim the clicky nails

  6. Andrew says:

    They are serious dogs, when on the job.

    You need to find out what toys he likes and get him hooked on mellowing out.

  7. Joel says:

    fred, I have a plan for that. I’m afraid to; the only time I ever trimmed a dog’s claws there was blood and noise and mess. But there’s a groomer lady who sometimes comes out here to do Neighbor L’s shih tzu, and I figure I can get L to tell me when that’s happening and the groomer lady can get a twofer.

  8. Tsgt Joe says:

    Joel, when tr imming a dog or cats claws only cut a little off. If you look close you can see where the “quick” is. Dont cut that far. Wait a couple weeks and take a little more off.
    I had told you about my rescue dog from lebanon, the verdict is that his left rear leg will have to be amputated, the bones are too badly damaged. We have gotten used to calling him bobbie so we wont be changing his name after all.

  9. Joel says:

    Tsgt Joe, I’m very sorry to hear that. Hope Bobbie the Amazing Tripod Dog has a long happy life anyway, if only as a form of revenge.

  10. Ruth says:

    If Laddie’s claws are white, avoiding the quick is fairly simple, assuming he doesn’t fuss when you try. If they’re darker/black avoiding the quick takes practice. Regardless, if you’ve got someone who’s willing to do it for you then that works too. Though if possible, see if said someone is willing to show you how to do it.

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