Second coat on the east wall complete

And a first coat on about half the south wall of the main cabin, just to use up what was in the tray. The south wall got complicated a lot with the bedroom addition, what with door trim and downspout and such; a lot of that will be brush work.

The plan now is to move to the porch roof and railing and window/door trim, most of which is brush work and will go really slow because it’s fiddly and bendy (hard on old Uncle Joel’s back) and boring as hell. I’m leaving the west bedroom wall until last, to give Phoebe time to raise her babies and begone. I may not do more than clean bird shit off the north wall of the main cabin, which doesn’t get a lot of sun and doesn’t really need painting.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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4 Responses to Second coat on the east wall complete

  1. feralfae says:

    Wow, it looks super! I can certainly tell the difference where you have painted. I like your slow is good attitude, especially to give the birds time to lave the nest. Congratulations on the work.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Do you have a plan for the high wall above your awning?

  3. Joel says:

    Do you have a plan for the high wall above your awning?

    Yeah, it doesn’t seem to need a lot but I can get it at the same time I paint the west wall over the bedroom. Except for those no-longer-needed handles it’ll be quick work with a roller. At the same time I can re-seal some porch roof flashing that been leaking for a while.

  4. Andrew says:

    “I may not do more than clean bird shit off the north wall of the main cabin, which doesn’t get a lot of sun and doesn’t really need painting.”</i?

    It will at some point, so if you have the paint, time and energy now, putting at least one coat on it will postpone the inevitable reckoning which will happen when you don’t have the paint, time or energy.

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