Some elk gifs…

I collected the card from the game camera this morning after more than a week, and there was nothing on it worth mentioning. But my connection speed has improved enough that I could put together some older elk pics I’ve had lying about.

You want to see sexism? This is sexism. Here’s a bunch of cows…

They came, they drank, they cleared out. The apparent reason they cleared out appeared on the very next file on the card…

And he didn’t even stick around.

Still always somebody in the bunch that objects to the camera…

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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4 Responses to Some elk gifs…

  1. Mark Matis says:

    Well at least be glad that she applied the northbound end of a northbound elk to the camera, instead of the southbound end. Cleanup would probably have been unpleasant in that case…

    And so THAT’s what elk tonsils look like!

  2. coloradohermit says:

    My first thought was that the does weren’t being deferential, but were avoiding a buck during the rut, but I think the rut was over months ago, so maybe it was a polite recognition of the man in charge. 😉

  3. Paul B says:

    Most likely does are not in heat or bred. there could be another bigger but but the first one was tending that doe.

  4. jabrwok says:

    Elkspreading, obviously. The Patriarchy wins again!:-D

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