Aaand that’s why I don’t ride horses…

I was just sitting around when I got a voice call from Neighbor L: D got dumped, he’s laying on the road, broke his hip and collarbone and who knows what else.

I got to him while she dealt with the horses and called an ambulance. Then when she got back to us I took off to meet the ambulance to guide it in but I was only a little way gone when she called again and said the ambulance had somehow already found them. So I turned around…

The last time this happened the ambulance got hopelessly lost and L lay on their driveway for over two hours, then nobody seemed to know how to do their jobs. This was a more competent crew all around so I just stood there feeling useless till they got D on the gurney and into the truck, at which point I went back to the Lair and made up with Tobie. We’re going to go feed horses in less than an hour, so he’ll get his Jeep ride anyway.

But I think D’s horse-riding days are done. They are if he has any sense, anyway…

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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8 Responses to Aaand that’s why I don’t ride horses…

  1. Anonymous says:

    Joel: you have adventurous neighbors. May D have a speedy recovery.
    I’ve fallen off bicycles and horses and motorcycles without serious long-term consequences. I hope for the same for D- and for your future adventures.

  2. Mike says:

    I’m sorry to hear this about your neighbour, D. I hope that it’s not as bad as you wrote. But, the more we age, the more we become breakable.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Praying for a speedy recovery and some good painkillers! Might be time to take a page from ol’ George Jones and fire up the riding mower for any field work travels. I’ve seen a group on IG that convert old mowers into 4×2 off-road tractors, removing the mower blades and deck, and beefing up the axles.

  4. mattexian says:

    Oops, forgot to log in.

  5. Judy says:

    That’s not good. Prayers that D heals quickly and gets to come home soon.

  6. M says:

    Sorry to hear this and hope there is good rehab around-about. I see good results and bad, the best are those with families to monitor the care provided.

  7. Arthur says:

    Coupla random thoughts:

    It’s – very fortunately – a rare occurrence, but given the severe remoteness of your community some solidly installed directional signage for emergency personnel might be a good idea. Maybe even a consistently flat and firm 200 ft square with a big “H” in the middle should be a consideration.

    I suspect you may be, slowly, approaching the end of your horse feeding duties; horses as just household pets doesn’t make a lot of sense, although quite a few people do it.

    Without a need for the space required for horses and cheaply granted by the remote environs, it would not surprise me if D&L relocated in a year or so. As one ages one’s physical capability and tolerance for inconvenience decline, especially when medical issues intervene.

    No morbid foreboding intended, but the earlier options are considered and evaluated the better; “what do I do now?” is much less desirable than simply picking a better / best option from a list.

  8. matismf says:

    When have you ever seen a horse rider with “any sense, anyway”?

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