Busy day.

Yeah, sorry: I got nothing today.

Couldn’t get to sleep last night. Usually in high summer we get a breeze or a shower to cool things down before dark, but when we don’t the ol’ box’o’tin isn’t a great place to spend the night ’till the wee hours. Then when I did finally lay down my head, half the bugs in the northern hemisphere wanted to share my bed. So I overslept, of course, which was bad because I promised biscuits by 6:30 to go with Landlady’s sausage gravy. So I’ve been running since my feet hit the floor. Though there was sausage, so I’m not complaining.

We got the injector pump off Gulchendiggensmoothen for transport and diagnosis. M and I spent a couple of hours sheathing the interior walls of M’s Dome. I took my kitchen lumber to D’s place, and he and I unloaded the trailer in his barn. I won’t be able to start on that till Wednesday earliest, because I’ve got geiger counter duty for the next two days minimum.

Landlady’s planning a “farewell to the building inspector” party later next month, so after unloading the trailer I set upon my duties of going around inviting neighbors who had participated in raising her house to come to the party. That got me trapped on a porch by a VERY vocally unfriendly dog, when the residents weren’t home to rescue me. A couple of times there I really thought we were gonna fight before I got back to the Jeep.

Picked up my eatin’ stuff and took a shower in the Meadow House, and now the dogs and me are gonna go crash. My back’s bothering me again, but it was a good weekend.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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