Nine bucks a pop for … what brand is that? I’ve never seen that before.
$4.99 buys it.
Will Blog for ISP Time, Glaucoma Meds, or Cheap Booze.
Free! (and worth every penny)
Scary Manifesto that keeps getting pushed down on the sidebar by filthy capitalism!
They say that Louis XIV had the inscription Ultima Ratio Regum cast into all the cannon of the French Army. It means “The Ultimate Argument of Kings,” and that always struck me as one of the most honest and up-front things any ruler or would-be ruler ever said. “We can dress it up prettier than this, but when it comes down to the unvarnished truth this is what it’s about: You’ll do as I say or I’ll send my goons to kill you.”
I thought about that for a long time. If there’s an ultimate argument, it seems only logical that there must be an ultimate answer. For years I thought the ultimate answer must be the bullets in my rifle, but it never seemed quite right. I’ve got bullets – he’s got frigging Cannon Balls. I mean, if there were three hundred million rifles throwing bullets at him, then maybe. But we all know that’s not going to happen. So if there’s an ultimate answer to his ultimate argument, it sure as hell ain’t bullets.
It finally came to me – and that’s when I abandoned the city and most of my stuff, and gave all that was behind me a good stiff Randian Shrug.
The ultimate answer to kings is not a bullet, but a belly laugh.
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I just paid AUD$19 for 45 rolls – that’s about US$12.
Most stores in Oz have nothing but bare shelves in the paper goods aisle.
Ironically, the one place that I found with toilet paper stocks had no toilet CLEANER.
It’s the law of supply & demand at work. Usually taught in the first class session in Economics 101. The real question is, why the hell are we all hoarding toilet paper?
I’ve never heard of that brand either, I will say however I was in my local Costco last Tuesday and they were fully stocked on all paper goods. Which was a good thing as I had started to eyeball my neighbors cat.
Funny thing was I couldn’t buy a pork chop or a can of peas but I could wipe my butt.
I recognize that brand. It’s The Only Game In Town” brand. Sold where ever the manufacturer gouges the distributor, the distributor gouges the store owner, the store owner gouges
the customer and we all go home satisfied!?
Wow, that sure is a heck of a price to pay for bum-wipe. Up here, north of the border, they are really coming down on price gaugers.
And as the package states,it’s “100% recycled bath tissue.”. Eww !
Ben: Yes, it’s Econ 101.
It seems that we have had it so good for so long that many have lost sight of just how much better the free market is over all the alternatives.
As to why TP hoarding, I have no idea – my grandmother, who lived through the rationing during and after WWII, always had a stash of beans, rice, tinned goods, sugar, and flour, but she had personal experience of actual shortages to guide her. The TP panic seems, shall we say, unfounded.
BTW, I believe “anti price gouging” laws SUCK.
For someone politician or bureaucrat , with no expertise in, well anything, to profess that they know what goods should cost is absurd. The free market has the answer right in front of you. Goods should cost what the purchaser is willing to pay, and the seller is willing to accept – barring collusion and cartel behaviour.
The US has already experimented with price-fixing boards and market cartels, and discovered that they are failures. Why are these anti-freedom concepts suddenly OK to so many people, just because they have the imprimatur of government?
Sendarius: Most toilet cleaner is also a disinfectant. My work sold out the toilet cleaners before we sold out the straight bleach.
TP comes in two varieties – domestic, for household use, and commercial for use in business situations. They are not the same. Don’t believe me? Steal a roll from a rest area and try to put it on your TP holder at home. It is the same deal with food. With businesses closed across the world, nobody has any use for the commercial stuff. But the people who used to use it at work are still as full of shiite as they were then, but now are having to do it at home!
What I really wonder about is where all the 40-grit TP that was provided in lower level employee restrooms several years ago went. THOSE were the same size as home TP. Not that I would want to use that, of course!
Sendarius says: “BTW, I believe “anti price gouging” laws SUCK.”
How very Ferengi of you. 🙂
The storage place down the road from us has a sign that reads: “We have room for all your extra TP”