“Ha ha ha! Beautiful!”

I expected to either hear the bedroom heater working during the night – or not. Instead I slept like a stone for nine hours and wouldn’t have noticed if the heater had played a Sousa march. But upon waking I looked up at the thermostat and found that the room was unusually warm. I cranked up the heat a couple of degrees – and the heater lit with not the slightest drama. Then just now I happened to walk past it and found it unpleasantly warm. Success!

I now dread winter far less than I did 24 hours ago.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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6 Responses to “Ha ha ha! Beautiful!”

  1. Mike says:


  2. Ben says:

    Yay!!! I hope to read you singing the praises of your heater and thermostat all through the winter.

  3. Joel says:

    Ben, I want to point out that your suggestion was exactly right.

  4. mark says:

    Your heater being operational will likely delay the real cold for a long time.

    My studded snow tires eliminated ice storms when I lived in Oklahoma.
    The year I didn’t mount the studded tires, we got slammed with ice.

    Mea Culpa…

  5. Anonymous says:

    SO those of us that pointed out that it was either a bad thermopyle, a bad connection, or other reason for low voltage were on the right track…..

  6. Joel says:

    Yup. The thermopile crowd was exactly right.

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