Happily we now know that hyperinflation is a GOOD thing.

This morning I spent just shy of $95 on this much fuel…

Ten gallons of gasoline and something less than 15 gallons of propane. Don’t know how you guys do it.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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13 Responses to Happily we now know that hyperinflation is a GOOD thing.

  1. Mike says:

    It could be worse. As of the 15th, in Canada the average gas price is $6.227 a US gallon and LPG is $3.259 a US gallon.

  2. anonymous says:

    Smallish certified super insulated house oriented for maximum solar gain, lots of warm clothes and a wool hat indoors, max indoor temp around 55-60, one trip a week with the vehicle, modest food budget, watching constantly for medical issues, no pets, basic Internet use. Go Joe!!!!!. Let’s hear the crowd cheering for hyper-inflation.

  3. The Neon Madman says:

    Yeah, and it’s gonna get worse. This country is run by morons, thieves and clueless clowns.

  4. DaveS says:

    Let me try that last statement again – This country is run by corrupt politicians bought and paid for by powerful, evil individuals who want nothing more than to see America brought to its knees.

  5. Robert says:

    Packaged bacon hereabouts went from $4/lb to $7/lb. Yow!

  6. Robert says:

    Hmm. I wonder if “corrupt politicians bought and paid for by powerful, evil individuals who want nothing more than to see America brought to its knees.” taste like bacon.

  7. Mark Matis says:

    How are you doing money-wise? Are you OK for now, or do you need a hit to the tip jar?

  8. Joel says:

    I’m doing okay, thanks for asking.

  9. We do it painfully, and the pain is increasing every time we do it. You’d think a negative feedback loop would start sometime, but not so far.

  10. Spud says:

    We do it , because we must..

  11. Well, most of us have jobs…. 😉

  12. Joel says:

    …and mortgages, and car payments, and kids…

  13. Robert says:

    I have a job and a kid with a job and no more mortgage or car payment. And I still wince when I open my wallet. Yeah, I’m a cheapskate.

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