It’s been very mild for early March, which is normally extremely changeable in the high desert. Sometimes I’ve even been briefly opening some windows that don’t directly face the heavy late winter/spring wind. Kind of important to remember to close them again later.
So overnight the wind came up again and we got a little snow. It never got very cold, high twenties, not even enough to freeze the chicken water. But it seemed a little colder than expected indoors. I lit the fire and passed it off as the wind.
Normally by seven or eight in the morning there’s no further need for the fire; it’s a small cabin, tight enough to hold the heat till the sun’s high. But it seemed that no sooner had I let the fire die than it got chilly again. Weird. I shrugged and lit another fire. Must be the wind.
Wasn’t till like nine, when I was thinking of lighting yet another fire, that I happened to glance at the front window over Tobie’s bed…
…which was wide freaking open and had been all night.
I blame Tobie. Or it might be all the antihistamines I’ve been popping, because the other thing the spring wind brings is allergy season and I’ve really been going through handkerchiefs.
Just a gentle reminder of how porous and uncomfortable the Lair must have been like before you wrapped it and added the layer of siding.
Been there, done that, or at least the equivalent. 😊
I almost forgot, how did the water distillation experiment go?
I’d blame Toby too.
Open windows make for cold rooms
Could be worse, at least you had fresh air. My now-departed fellow tenant turned on the kitchen sink hot water before retiring for the evening. I got up at 3AM and found it running. We heat the house and our water with an LP tank; there is no backup system. In the morning, the live-in landlord decided the water heater was broken when his shower was rather frigid. Hilarity ensued.