Purely for the benefit of those of you who pointed out earlier that Uncle Joel’s revolver style needed work…
Hey. I am from Detroit. So after seven months of intense training, I think I’ve finally got the look down.
Funnily enough, I can’t hit squat anymore…
Isn’t your waistband a tad high?
If I thought my apology for my previous observation would wipe that picture from my mind – you could consider it done.
I think you are also supposed to be saying ‘Word to Yo Mutha’ when you pull the trigger – try that and see if it helps. :^)
You go you Gangsta you !
“This is my weapon, this is my gun . . .”
Yo yo yo dawg checkitout! You be funny. Try that with a semi and you’ll get hot brass down the back of yer shirt. Or so I’m told.
That “gangsta” stance from the movies has saved more lives through missing… Looks cool though.
You know why the gangstas hold their pistols like that…that’s the way it was laying in the drawer that they stole it from
😀 I never heard that one.
did you push the gun forward as you were firing for even faster bullet movement?