I guess the jury just didn’t understand how dangerous a cop’s job is.

They threw the book at those Danziger Bridge cops. Took long enough, and I’d have preferred summary executions for murder under cover of authority, but that’s just me. Poor babies sure didn’t get their wrists slapped.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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2 Responses to I guess the jury just didn’t understand how dangerous a cop’s job is.

  1. Carl-Bear says:

    But I guess those murderers are still heroes to Massad Ayoob. (I still can’t believe that in a discussion of police misconduct, he had the balls to hold those guys up as heroes to be honored and worshipped.)

  2. Matt says:

    Jury must be cop haters…

    Even though the crimes occured during the emergency caused by the hurricane, it was only because of the media focus on the hurricane that those murders came to light and the officers were charged and prosecuted.

    If times had been normal, I am sure those officers would of been able to get away with their crimes. It would of been just another day in the Big Easy.

    I am sure the NOPD was going to police their own an day…

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