“I want to attend the Hello Kitty con but I also have to invade Poland before five, so…

“…clearly I’m forced to a very poor choice.”

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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6 Responses to “I want to attend the Hello Kitty con but I also have to invade Poland before five, so…

  1. Terrapod says:

    Well, at least they ditched he swastikas for the LGBTQXYZ flag.

  2. makerofgames says:

    Would make a pretty good Warhammer 40k paint scheme, tbh.

  3. Judy says:

    And considering how the Nazis felt about Homosexuals…their costumes are questionable on several levels.

  4. Jim Price says:

    This would make P. T. Barnum’s freak show look subdued.

  5. Jeff Allen says:

    the magic word is “cosplay” – I’d throw in “return of the repressed” but that’s stretching the point…

    Japanese (pop culture) seems to be a current locus; see this Jerusalem Post piece

    What? You were expecting The New York Times?

  6. I found myself trying to explain to someone awhile back how the deviant/offbeat/quirky/taboo was a lot more ‘fun’ when it wasn’t mainstream and common. If ida’ had that picture I probably could have explained it more quickly. It used to be that you had to go to a bad part of town to indulge some fancies – as well it should be.

    It’s like some biker (talking about Rich Urban Bikers) I recall saying – “When you get to a point where there’s no possible way you can make yourself presentable for work on Monday, THEN you’re one of us!

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