If they turn against me I’m doomed.

It’s been a lackluster summer for hummingbirds, until the last few days. Since then a whole flock of Rufus moved in, and now it’s a little scary sometimes.

Until this week that feeder needed filling every four or five days. Now I’m afraid to leave for more than a few hours lest they get mad.

Fortunately they’re not known for their learning ability. Because if they find out I’m a white male…

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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7 Responses to If they turn against me I’m doomed.

  1. Mike says:

    I live up in the Seattle area and have been feeding rufous hummers for at least twenty years. I’ve got a few that winter over but the real crowd starts showing up in April and from then until about the first of July I’m filling that feeder everyday. Then it’s like a switch was thrown and most of them disappear. I always figured the babies were strong enough to travel and they all headed south. I’ve just got a few permanent residents around now and generally have to change it out before it’s empty to keep things fresh. You’re probably feeding little guys that were living at my place three weeks ago.

  2. TS says:

    They can get testy, lol. I call them B52 bombers. : )

  3. Orange lives matter? 🙂 I never appreciated the arrival in early July of the rufuses when they made every effort to run off the rubies that had been our most dependable visitors. Here in town there just aren’t any hummers and it’s so disappointing.

  4. Jean says:

    Just don’t wear a hat with flowers on when they’re around unless you have eye protection.

  5. Joel says:

    Fortunately I don’t have many flowered hats. Or bright red ones, which are as bad when it comes to close encounters of the hummingbird kind.

  6. TK421a says:

    Good thing you don’t have the bright coloured hats, it could get ugly…


  7. DAN says:

    JOEL: be glad you aren’t where they breed, up here in central B.C. i have a banding station & typically feed 2-3 thousand per year, 120+ lbs of sugar & up to 130 gallons of syrup per year. you see the babies are like salmon they come back to where they were born so every year we get MORE !! fyi how do you count that many, rule of thumb is 65 birds will go thru 8 ozs. of syrup a day avg.depending on other food sources. up here in the cariboo they are critical pollenators on acct of the few bees we have don’t work in cold weather.been banding here since 2000 & one of our birds was found dead in new orleans just before KATRINA went thru. our version of a message in a bottle. lots of banding stations in the US.kinda cool.whodathunkit ??CHEERS DAN

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