Insert obvious joke about the report being due in 75 years…

Who (in the state department) did what and when did he/she do it? This is the sort of baffling mystery the state department was created to solve, and it will begin to get to the bottom of it the very moment after it brings lasting peace to the middle east.

Facing mounting pressure from members of Congress and from inquiring journalists, the State Department said today it has reopened its investigation into who ordered the video edit of a State Department briefing from December 2013.

Last week when the State Department admitted the video had been deliberately edited (after having originally stated it was a technical glitch) a spokesman said the investigation was over and ultimately could not determine who was responsible.

Since it unfortunately involves emails, the mystery appears to be completely impenetrable.
The state department, however, remains optimistic of an illuminating outcome. Thank you for your patience.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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One Response to Insert obvious joke about the report being due in 75 years…

  1. MJR says:

    This reminds me of an old saying… When all is said and done more will be said then done.

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