I don’t know where they came from, but here on the property there are two big fuel tank racks. Probably seemed like the sort of thing that ought to come in handy someday.
Four or five years ago M covered the biggest one with corrugated tin and used it for storing Jeep parts. The Jeep project has since migrated elsewhere, and the “shed” has blown over twice. Plus Landlady was making sounds indicating displeasure.
So we stripped away the tin, and M came up with a new application. He had some pre-drilled squares of armor plate, and a little chain. Sounded like our inconvenient tank rack might make a pretty good target rack. So we used Gulchendiggensmoothen to carry it out to M’s range. Reactive targets on a 500-yard range, anyone?
Now we just need a little more chain…
Oh how I’d love to let the ol’ Mosin Nagant “reach out and touch” something. 100 yards is all I get to play on…