Got a new radiator Friday, and installed it this morning.
This one went considerably faster than the first one did, since (unexpected benefit) in the interim the Jeep got a whole new trans cooler and so the bottom tank on the radiator isn’t even connected to anything.
The leak turned out not to be much…
As I thought, a solder seal on the core broke but it was a small leak. Seemed pretty cataclysmic last Monday when the consequences announced themselves but it had obviously been leaking a little for a long time. Funny I never smelled it.
We can’t call you a shade tree mechanician, so what would you call yourself?
Can the old one be repaired and kept as a spare? Back in the day, getting one resoldered and pressure tested was common. Of course, a lot of things from back in my day are no longer done …..
Back in the day, radiators were made of copper, and soldering was FAR easier than with today’s aluminum and plastic monstrosities!
JB Weld