NRA to bumpstock users: While you’re under the bus, could you have a look at the ball joints?

NRA calls for ATF review of bump stocks, new regulations after Las Vegas shooting

Utterly unprincipled, utterly cynical, and a relatively cheap way to give cover to their expensive politicians.

Oh, but don’t worry. Trump’s on your side. Just behind you, with a dagger.

“We always welcome a thoughtful conversation on policy and issues. The Second Amendment is a bedrock in our Constitution along with the First Amendment. These rights must be protected,” [Kellyanne Conway] said. “But …”

ETA: Sadly for Diane Feinstein and her new buddies in the NRA, you don’t actually need a Bumpstock to turn money into noise.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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11 Responses to NRA to bumpstock users: While you’re under the bus, could you have a look at the ball joints?

  1. If you follow a statement about rights with the word “but” it just means you don’t understand the concept of rights.

  2. Bear says:

    Now, now, Kent. That’s for pols and victim disarmers. I fully respect the right to life expressed through defense, particularly armed defense, BUT…

    … if some dumbass who doesn’t screws with my rights, they have a problem.


  3. M says:

    “The Second Amendment Foundation and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms support a productive dialogue concerning “bump stocks,” National Concealed Carry Reciprocity and the proposed Hearing Protection Act.”


  4. LibertyNews says:

    That SAF ‘statement’ is just an advertisement.

  5. Joel says:

    Gottlieb always knows which side of the bread his butter’s on. I sometimes imagine he dreams of being the executive branch’s “gun rights czar.”

  6. Bear says:

    Screw Quisling Gottlieb. I prefer TZP’s position:

    And bump-fire sans fancy stocks or even “Hellfire” trigger adapters? Shoot I was playing around with that 25 years ago when I had ammo to spare.

  7. Kentucky says:

    “Gottlieb always knows which side of the bread his butter’s on. ”

    Ya got that right.

    I saw thru Gottlieb over thirty years ago.

  8. Mark Matis says:

    If they ban bump stocks, they’ll have to ban belt loops as well:

  9. Geoff says:

    YouTube removed the video on how to bump fire without the bump fire stock.

  10. Kentucky says:

    The ones above still run.

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