“Ooohmygod that’s good…”

Yesterday we went to town for water and groceries, and at the store I found a pound and a half hunk of pork that clawed at me through the bars and demanded I take it home.

I’m not the world’s greatest cook – or the world’s billionth-greatest cook – but roast pork is simple. And I got it almost perfect this time. My one failure was not stocking spare batteries for my meat thermometer; the inside could have been a bit more done but the bulk of it was falling apart at the touch of a fork and the crust and the spice rub was the best I’ve ever done. Tobie and I went through more than half last night. He did not refuse seconds.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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4 Responses to “Ooohmygod that’s good…”

  1. Anonymous says:

    A lovely and delicious early Christmas roast! Perfect! Now, if you can save the drippings, maybe you can make some Yorkshire pudding, if you have the eggs and milk, and I know you have the flour! Good for you! What a treat for the holiday season. Enjoy.

  2. Mark Matis says:

    How many times has Tobie EVER refused second of roast meat?

  3. randy says:

    Lucky dog!

  4. I, for one, could stand to hear some more about the spice rub and what was in it.

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