Phase One Complete…

Also, Ow my arms.

But that actually is the first and hardest part done: I’m officially out of pallets to break up. Now I need to straighten up the woodshed – probably do that today – and then tomorrow or Tuesday if nothing interferes I’ll start cutting lumber to stovewood length. Once I’m done with that pile of planks I’ll begin on the piles of juniper I have squirreled away. There’s even a big stack of larger juniper wood I got paid to haul off a property in late 2019 – it was freshly-cut then and essentially fireproof but it’s had four years to cure. Might dig into that. First let’s see how far the stacks already in my yard go toward filling the woodshed.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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6 Responses to Phase One Complete…

  1. Bigus Macus says:

    I’ll be having my first fire of the year on Halloween here in Hampton Roads. It’s supposed to be wet and cold.

  2. Joel says:

    Yeah, I just lit the pilot on the bedroom heater here at the Lair. ‘Fraid it’s that time of year.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I didn’t build any fires today, as the sun was was on high beam and heated the house really well. But now things are beginning to cool down at 9 PM. I’ll turn on one baseboard heater tonight. Stay cozy everyone. Joel, great job on the firewood. Have a good week all.

  4. Hammer says:

    Here at the Copper Basin Alaska it hasn’t been above freezing for ten days so we have kept the fire in the kitchen stove going 24/7. Back room stove at night. The lowest has been at -6 and todays high of 25 is the high for the period. We have about 6, 4x4x8 foot cords in the shed and are looking for more!

  5. Spud says:

    This is the time of year , when I lower the thermostat to 76 from 77 lol. To get the AC to kick in once in awhile…
    Heat ? Well , maybe a couple days in January possibly.,.

  6. matismf says:

    67 degrees here in east central Florida at 5:50 AM on 30 October.

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