On this date:
…I broke out a power saw.
Landlady told me last month she wanted to do a big (probably multiple) dump run this coming weekend. I remembered that, and have slowly made various preps for it over the past 3 weeks. But this morning while hauling firewood to her house I was forcibly reminded of something Dr. Freud had caused me to completely forget…
There’s been this big folding picnic table rotting beside her barn for over a decade, which we couldn’t get rid of because it was just too honkin’ heavy and I couldn’t figure out how to separate its two main surfaces. I promised LL I’d cut it apart with my big new Sawzall so we could get it into the Jeep trailer … and then forgot all about it. And this was the very last day I could make good the promise before the dump run, so it’s a good thing I remembered.
Oh gosh! What I see there are piles of target support frames, why on earth are you dumping the metal bits?
Joel, your lack of superstition used up my good luck; I tried to pet an apparently-friendly itinerant black cat. Luckily, I had recently read Aesop’s blog post on wound care. Sigh.
I’m glad the only pieces that got sawed weren’t presumably attached to you.