“Scientists say”

This month is the planet’s hottest on record by far – and hottest in around 120,000 years, scientists say

Seriously? Hottest in 120,000 years? Scientists say that? I would be very interested in seeing the evidence behind that uniquely unverifiable assertion.

The data used to track these records goes back to 1940, but many scientists – including those at Copernicus – say it’s almost certain that these temperatures are the warmest the planet has seen in 120,000 years, given what we know from millennia of climate data extracted from tree rings, coral reefs and deep sea sediment cores.

Oh. “Many” scientists say it. Well. I guess I’m convinced.

I’m convinced that I’m being lied to by people who think I’m an idiot. Maybe some of them are scientists. But I have problems with how the data is collected, I have problems with who does the data reporting, and I have a big problem with the way the conclusions drawn from the data always seem to exactly fit the control-freak agenda du jour. If there was one Big Red Button that would just make all these people shut up and leave me alone, I would mash it so hard

Incidentally, I’ve been keeping temperature data on this particular flyspeck in the SW desert for about ten years – and here at least, this isn’t even the hottest summer in the past ten years.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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6 Responses to “Scientists say”

  1. Mike says:

    Climatologists are like weathertainers, too right to be ignored and too wrong to be believed.

  2. I’ve thought about these claims a lot over the years, and I have reasons to disbelieve the narrative. https://kentmcmanigal.blogspot.com/search?q=AGCC

  3. Ben says:

    I’ve lived-where I live- for a long time, and I’ve seen some basic changes in my local climate over that time. But, being neither a scientist nor a genius, I can’t generalize from my own microclimate to the entire globe any more than you can generalize from yours. The globe is a big place. 😀

    I will say this: On a scientific issue, I will accept the consensus of the scientific community long before I would obediently buy into the opinion of the politician du juor. But I would do that while maintaining an open mind, because even scientific consensus can be spectacularly wrong.

  4. Dave Mansfield says:

    I can only speak for myself, as i find it no hotter than most years here along the Colorado River.

  5. riverrider says:

    i worked the tobacco fields as a kid when it was over a hundred often. passed out pouring concrete on another 100 degree day. we had a week of 100’s after a derecho 11 years ago…now they tell me 90 is “unprecedented.” horsehockey.

  6. charles says:

    I am a scientist (geologist+biologist by degrees earned). I resent the left/gov hijacking the word. They shop around until they get some credentialed fool to say what they want, or (more commonly these days) fund research and make it clear if you want more you must toe the party line with your “research”. The kinds of papers that i read that somehow work in the words ‘climate change’ leave me shaking my head- how anyone can take them seriously if beyond me.
    As a geologist, OF COURSE climate changes. And a hell of a lot more that anyone alive has witnessed. But believing that giving more money to the government will affect the weather (which is what most folks think when they hear the word ‘climate’) is demonstrating stupidity to the point that they should never be allowed to reproduce their dumbassery.

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