Should probably stick to medicine…

In fairness he doesn’t like people catching things…

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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6 Responses to Should probably stick to medicine…

  1. Anonymous says:

    Fist bumps are ok though???? We are so easily led through the chute

  2. TK421a says:

    Best advice on throwing out the first pitch… Don’t do it. 🤣

  3. Simon J says:

    “We are so easily led through the chute” Ain’t that the truth.

  4. robert orians says:

    Enjoy the decline ! Best advice I’ve heard .

  5. Mark Matis says:

    Did anyone else notice that pitch was hard LEFT???

    Is anyone surprised by that???

  6. Robert says:

    Doc has a wicked curve ball.

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