Simultaneous caretaking gigs. This is gonna get weird.

I have two sets of neighbors going for trips. D&L are going to the city for some surgery that’s been put off due to all the weirdness – between their animals and the peculiar needs of their heating infrastructure, their maintenance is so constant that I’m just moving into their house for parts of three days.

That’s Coaltrain the horse, who likes to lick the inside of empty feed bags. So we’re not dealing with spoiled pets or anything…

Anyway – I had to meet them at their place at eight this morning for detailed instructions on animal feeding and hygiene schedules and rigorous pellet stove maintenance. I was there for over an hour, during which the promised morning snowstorm moved in and broke with a vengeance…

…of course reminding me of yesterday’s bad thing…

Good thing proper Jeeps are made to operate in all weathers, inside and out. Because things are going to get damp.

As soon as I was done at their place – at the height of the snow, of course – I had to drive up and across the plateau and then up T&S’s mesa to get instruction on taking care of their animals and plants. Twice a day starting tomorrow and through Monday. That gig usually pays really well, by my standards, plus their dogs are sweethearts. The feeding schedules at the two locations actually fit together really well so as long as things go according to plan nothing will be a big rush – but between the two of them my workdays will start at six and not end until after eight till the weekend.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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2 Responses to Simultaneous caretaking gigs. This is gonna get weird.

  1. Mike says:

    Joel, until you have a permanent fix for the Jeep, use a little bit of duct tape and some clear plastic to cover the gap. This will stop the rain/snow from getting in and limit the amount of exhaust that gets in when you drive.

  2. Midwestmike says:

    Joel, That’s a long day. Hope in comes with a built in afternoon nap. When one gets to be our age even a short one can help the later day go much better.

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