…it struck me suddenly that I wasn’t reading anything about Devin Kelley. Instead I was scrolling down the page, looking for some info from some news site I don’t completely mistrust.
And I asked myself – as I do every time I catch myself doing that instead of, you know, just using the Internet to inform and educate myself…
“I was scrolling down the page, looking for some info from some news site I don’t completely mistrust.”
et tu Joel? How can one have fun trolling for clicks if you can’t spin a story a little, or shoot from the hip? A skeptic needs to be skeptical of his skepticism, now and then, you know, for fear that dreaded bias conformation thing?
I don’t have option to read it all either though. It would use up my hot spot time and drain my batteries. Then food in my fridge would go bad, which would suck.