So that’s what beef tastes like!

Buoyed by my recent success with roast meat, I decided to do something truly decadent…

Other than hamburger – and not a lot of that – I don’t remember the last time I tasted beef. Lots of chicken and pork, but this is literally the first chunk of cow I’ve bought in this century. Turned out to be kind of gristly inside, but whatever…

I didn’t turn it into shoeleather.

Did I have Tobie’s attention?

Yeah, I think I had Tobie’s attention. 🙂

It turned cloudy yesterday afternoon for the first in a long time, so to pull this off I really did have to lug the generator out to the powershed so as not to kill the batteries. Worth it.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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5 Responses to So that’s what beef tastes like!

  1. doubletrouble says:

    Hope the T dog got some! Next time you look for beef, try to find a bottom round that still has the pointy end on it… that’s the BEST for steak sammiches- on homemade bread. Slice thin (<1/8”), cook fast & hot on cast iron, butter, salt & pepper- Mmmmmm…

  2. Spud says:

    I’m with you on beef. That stuff they sell at most stores these days , might well be described as beef jerky.
    Unless you spend a ton on prime cuts. Which we don’t.
    I prefer birds and fish any who’s.

  3. Walter says:

    A big part of the problem with beef ( at least locally but I bet nationwide) is the stores are often selling beef that are ” Select Grade” or rarely “Standard” . In the past stores sold mainly “Choice”. When buying your beef it doesnt have to be Prime but at least make certain it’s Choice. (Although rib steaks are usually decent even at Select grade…at least partly because rib or ribeye steaks typically are rather fatty anyway). Also, just my opinion, but right now “grass fed” is all the rage and I don’t like grass fed. It may be “more natural” but it also is less fat/flavor. You want cattle at least steers at least finished on corn. A steer doesn’t have to be 100% feedlot, that is also not so good. Still…at least a few weeks on corn makes a tastier beef. Now most butchers won’t know much about the beef being on corn. A good rule of thumb is if it isn’t packaged as ” grass fed” it is mostly an animal that had at least some corn.

  4. Stefan v. says:

    Are there no Tasty Animals to hunt in your locale?

  5. Mike says:

    Ah, beef. I’m glad it didn’t turn into leather.

    As for me, I guess I’m spoiled. Where I live, it’s a short distance to several farms and on Saturdays I avail myself of their wares at the local farmers markets where the meat (beef/pork/chicken) is fresher, and a bit cheaper than at the grocery stores.

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