Squirrel, 32 paces

Little bastard and its little bastard friend have been teasing me through the window for the past hour, playing in the garden enclosure. But then the third time they lured me to the door, this one had an attack of inattention or possibly hubris.

Then while I was walking toward the squirrel this young cottontail all but came out and asked what was going on. I was not in a mood to swap gossip with rodents.

Of rabbits there will never be a shortage. But I have to kill 2 or 3 more squirrels minimum this summer before I have any hope of getting the chicken feeder back exclusively into the use of chickens. Seymour’s no use at all.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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10 Responses to Squirrel, 32 paces

  1. Robert says:

    Nice shootin’, Tex. That a Ruger? Too bad the varmints aren’t good eating (according to some people).

    A friend just had a squirrel destroy one of her many bird feeders. I’d loan her my pellet rifle (she’s quite the marksman, er, person) but probably a neighbor would complain and the city would investigate and I’d lose my gun. Yet another reason to move outta town, I tell her…

  2. Judy says:

    Supper for you and LB? Maybe, a little return on all that chicken feed you have invested in the squirrels.

  3. Joel says:

    Oh, they can be eaten. I’ve eaten them. But they hardly have any meat and it’s tasteless. I consider it emergency food only.

  4. phred says:

    Well done.

  5. Kentucky says:

    Hunting squirrels and bunnies was a big deal when I was a kid. It was even enough fun to make it worth the effort and minimal ammo expense as well as the “cleaning” involved. Mom would cook them if they were presented to her nicely dressed out. She did make it a point to note that the cooking effort was not worth it unless we could come up with a “limit” of the little critters, and even then a good assortment of “sides” was necessary to make it a real meal.

  6. abnormalist says:

    do the chickens share your opinion on that?

  7. Joel says:

    ?my opinion on what?

  8. Anonymous says:

    I think abnormalist is wondering if your birds would consider squirrel a delicacy rather than tasteless emergency food. After all, they are omnivores descended from T. Rex or somesuch.

  9. Joel says:

    They’ll tear up an occasional mouse, but I threw them a couple of packrats and they don’t seem to recognize them as food. Squirrels and rabbits are big enough to be unpleasant to be around, once they’ve been dead a couple of days.

  10. Q says:

    some survivalists call varmints supe cubes, in germany they wuld arrest you, the green party wuld demonstrate and make die ins, they wuld confiscate your guns and waaaaaaaaaaaa….

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