(Right – and so does the website at the link. There’s an infuriating autoplay video ad FRICKIN’ RIGHT ON TOP OF THE INFURIATING AUTOPLAY VIDEO. SO IT’S TWO INFURIATING AUTOPLAYS ONE AFTER THE OTHER. IF THIS WEBSITE DOES NOT MAKE YOU WANT TO SLOWLY PAINFULLY KILL ALL WEB DESIGNERS AND ADVERTISING EXECUTIVES BEFORE YOU EVER EVEN GET TO THE CONTENT YOU’RE DEFINITELY NOT ME. And I’m not even sitting in a gray carpeted cubicle trying to hide what I’m doing from my supervisor. Any more. So be warned.)
Anyway – the content isn’t even that important, it’s about traffic cameras in Baltimore. Seriously, don’t even click on it. I’m only adding the link for verisimilitude. What got me, what in fact mystified and saddened and horrified and angered me and made me completely give up all hope for my culture and my species and made me want to say f*ck it and go out and buy more flour and then just come home and nail my door shut and wait for the cities’ ashes to cool, was this one paragraph…
“We have many more requests for speed and red light cameras than we’ll probably ever get to,” he said. “Every neighborhood wants one; every council person wants one.”
This person is either the worst liar since the last politician to open his mouth, or Baltimore is a very sad and crazy place where people actually ask to be robbed and oppressed.
Um . . . I just scrolled past the videos. No problem.
But I agree with your premise. That’s why you live as you do, good fellow.
People live in hives because they want Big Government to take care of their every need and want. So by and large, that sentiment was accurate. They want the speed cameras in THEIR neighborhoods to keep traffic down, but they don’t want them ANYWHERE ELSE.
Yes, the people of Baltimore DO actually ask to be robbed and oppressed. As do people who live in EVERY hive across the entire West. Doubt that? Then please show me a mayoral ballot from any hive from the past thirty years that has a constitutional candidate listed on it. There is no shortage of “Rent Too High” candidates thereon. But constitutional? No way in fokking hell!
If they love that, they’ll super love this! Very thankful the mindset isn’t catching, it requires yeas of carefully scripted Education to get to these positions…..
“This person is either the worst liar since the last politician to open his mouth, or Baltimore is a very sad and crazy place where people actually ask to be robbed and oppressed.”
Gotta learn to think outside the box, Joel. It could be (probably is) BOTH.
Joel you have obviously never had the misfortune of dealing with the “Neighbourhood Commando” type. They all want less traffic passing by their own house (to hell with everyone else.). To that end they are forever insisting on speed bumps, 4 way stops, and anything else that will reduce traffic (for them). And yes, speed and traffic light cameras would fit right in.
The cameras make lots of money, easy money.
Yep. As opposed to the quoted “every neighborhood wants one” it should actually read “every neighborhood busybody social justice warrior frustrated do-gooder wants one”. There’s a whole string of stereotypical characteristics that further characterize these folks, but in the interest of not offending anyone I’ll just stop right there.
The citizens of my small, ugly South AZ town voted out the traffic cameras. They made no money for the town, caused accidents and were unconstitutional. The referendum that removed them corrected an over reaching City Council. We do not want Baltimore Refugees.
Oh boy do I ever dislike these cameras and I have to say I’m not the only one…