Well, this bums me out…

John Prine died.

Of “complications from COVID-19,” which is trendy but pretty meaningless. You could also say he died of complications from several bouts of cancer, too. I’ve been expecting this one.

He pretty much held title to my theme song during the period when I was plotting to leave California and head for the desert. I’d have added a couple of verses…

And a cool oldie from back when I was a teenager, though I confess I first heard the John Denver cover. This is way better. It’s the reason I spent years thinking of him as more or less in the same genre as Pete Seeger, though as far as I know nothing could be further from the truth.

When you get to a certain age…

This post has taken nearly an hour to compose and I don’t even know if it’ll show up on the blog. Gonna be one of those days, bandwidth-wise.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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8 Responses to Well, this bums me out…

  1. Ben says:

    Have faith Joel, your post came through just fine.

  2. TK421a says:

    I was sorry to hear about the loss of Mr. Prine. His was one of the voices that go me through good times and bad way back when. Thanks for posting the link to “Quit Hollerin’ At Me.” It’s been way too long since I listened to it.

  3. bill says:

    Been listening to a lot of his music since last week when first hearing he was sick.

  4. czechsix says:

    Yep. RIP to him, I remember some years back another blogger by the name of Rob Smith really liked him. Rob (Acidman), he was quite a character, and a pretty damned good guitarist. RIP to both of them, come to think of it.

  5. Glenn555 says:

    Joel, thank you for posting “Paradise”. My favorite of Mr. Prines….. And thank you for posting most days! I appreciate your humor and wit.

  6. Tennessee Budd says:

    John was a treasure, big ears and all. He’ll be missed.

  7. jabrwok says:

    @czechsix: I remember Acidman well. Always enjoyed his rants. Downloaded his song to his ex-wife (Come Home Any Time), and still listen to it every once in a while. My blogroll is diminished by his absence, but Joel here makes up for it a bit:-).

  8. czechsix says:

    Thumbs up for that – yep, I pulled his song down too, long ago. Agreed that a one legged desert hermit makes up for his absence, some. I visit that other blog now and then, surprised that Sam still has it running, but I note there’s no way to leave comments now. I don’t think she’s been there for a while now, and it’s on autopilot.

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