This is how exciting Uncle Joel’s life can be: I found a screw!
Found it rolling around on the Jeep’s driver seat when I thought it was gone for good. This screw and its mate have been a problem for me for over a year, because they kept threatening to fall out of my sheath.
When I lost this one I had to go through one of my bags’o’parts to find replacements, also from a knife sheath. And this time I did what I’d promised to do but never got around to back when the problem first arose; I broke out the red Locktite and will probably/hopefully not have the problem again. And anyway, having found the prodigal I have a spare set again.
I see that you don’t build models. Many a the time I would drop some incredably small part only to find it long after a fruitless search and scratch making a plastic part. 🙂
What make and model knife is that??
It’s an ESEE 3.
Glad you found it. Funny how things that may seem irrelevant to others can really matter.
Sorry that seat hid that screw from you for so long!