You can tell because the “people” who paid for this billboard – and the theoretical people who might take it seriously – clearly have dead minds.
Here’s a hint: Many people “may not” use deadly force, in the sense of being forbidden by law to do so. See: England.
But anybody can do so. If this frightens you so badly you’ll avoid places where it can happen, I strongly suggest locking yourself in your cellar for the rest of your sad, meaningless life. Dig a cellar if you don’t already have one. Warning: Shovels can be used as deadly weapons, and you wouldn’t want to be one of those people who can use deadly force. Therefore you must dig your cellar with a blunt teaspoon.
Or – you could just decide not to be a wimpy dumbass. Today. Just say to yourself, “I will not be a wimpy dumbass today.” Then see how you feel about it tomorrow.
That looks like a feature, not a bug.
Sorry Joel…a spoon is right out…
They’re going to have to use their hands…Oh wait…
Guess they’ll have to use bloody stumps.
good reason to visit florida to me
Neat sign, but the picture of the gun is pretty crumby. Seems a lot of visiting criminals will either be confused or discouraged. Win/win!
I think that’s the first time I ever noticed the Brady shits to tell the truth!! They didn’t mean it that way, of course, but it’s refreshing anyway.
To a hoplophobe, I guess everything looks like a gun. Compensating, no doubt.
I generally find rural (or other) signs that have bullet holes in them to be most aggravating, Hurts the community, dontchaknow. But that one, I wouldn’t get blood pressure issues if I saw it riddled but good.
Not that I’m advocating anything like that.
Because that would be illegal.
And I never do illegal.
Or encourage it.
An ad from the Florida Tourist Bureau: I am sold.
I wish they’d put up one of those at every road crossing into Texas! I think it gets the point across really well actually. Makes sane people feel safer and keeps the PSHer’s out.
Nothing stops Texans from doing it. Just change “warning” to “welcome,” lose the logo and the brady chop, and you’re done.
Let me understand this please. These folks are warning criminals that Florida is not a good place to be active because the residents have guns and can use them?
GL, that’s why it’s called the Brady Campaign to PROTECT VIOLENT CRIMINALS.
God bless the Sunshine State!
If only Cali would become sane, not that I’ll be holding my breath.