YES! reprised.

It not only fits…

It works!

Though clearly I’ve got to do something about the height, that should be no big thing. I can’t begin to tell you what a relief this is. Yes I KNOW I measured it and it should have been fine, because why should a tape measure lie? You don’t understand – this is the very sort of thing I screw up routinely. I can hear Uncle Murphy cackling his evil laugh as he lies in wait for me. I measure the stove over HERE, ten days later I write down what I remember to be the measurement over THERE, I cut the lumber and build the cabinet in this place HERE, and six weeks later I try to install the incompressibly iron stove into the too-small hole right…over…ah, shit. Yeah, my life and welcome to it. But this time I didn’t fall prey to it. It may seem like a small thing to you normal people, but I am totally celebrating.

The dressers are ready to move but I didn’t get them moved, because I’m dealing with a canine revolution. They really don’t like Gitmo Poco – I think it’s because they’re not getting any sun at all behind the Big Doghouse this time of year. Before they could go around in front when they wanted sun, and maybe I have been overdoing the “here’s a treat, get into Gitmo so Uncle Joel doesn’t have to watch your irresponsible asses every second” thing.

But the stove totally works, which means the kitchen is, in a qualified way, fully functional. I still have that no sink drain plumbing issue, but I can live with that till I get the parts I need.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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9 Responses to YES! reprised.

  1. Ian says:

    Woohoo! Congratulations!

  2. Claire says:

    Whoohoo, indeed, Joel.

    And if you’re creative, the thing-a-magig you use to raise the stove can also give you some storage — e.g. for cookie sheets … or firearms …

    So. When do you and the boys move in — and get some rest?

    It’s great to see you on such a roll and wonderful to see the Lair turning into a real home. But I’ll bet you’re feeling like it should be breakie-time soon.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Oh yeah. Also, you might want to put some tile or a metal sheet on the wall to the right of that stove for fire protection. Bet you’ve already thought of that, though.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I’d go with stainless steel on the wall, easier to clean and won’t absorb oil or grease from spatter of pots and pans and griddles. As for elevating the stove, it appears a frame of upright 2 x 4 would do it. Superb fit btw.

  5. Joel says:

    Yeah, I need to do something about the walls behind and beside the stove, and without much delay. Not so much for fire as for grease, but that too. Either Plexiglas or steel, whichever I can get. The only steel I have around here is a roll of flashing and that would look terrible. Don’t think there’s any plex at all.

  6. John says:

    Looks great!
    Some stainless should be salvageable from any restaurant appliances found at local dump sites, ie, dead-end roads, scrap sites, or even the back of local eateries ?

  7. Anonymous says:

    I also hear that there is a very annoying old trailer sitting around the property somewhere. Aren’t those things just loaded with sheet metal? Not steel, maybe, but aluminum? And if it’s not flat, could it be hammered to be both flattish and have an interesting texture?

  8. MamaLiberty says:

    I wound up with two thick, insulated type cookie sheets. They are terrible cookie sheets, but they’ve done wonders as splash guards and heat shields for the refrigerator that’s much too close to the stove. The neat part is that they can be removed easily and washed with the dishes.

    Oh, and I don’t know what Claire was thinking, but I’d seriously suggest you NOT store any shootin’ irons under the stove. The very thought makes my hair stand on end. 🙂

  9. Joel says:

    🙂 I assumed she was being ironical, ML.

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