All my windows are open.

Check this out…

On February 4.

I went around the yard collecting windblown trash, did the laundry, ran the burn barrel, serviced the Jeep (that new inflator won’t top off all four tires on one charge), serviced all the batteries, practiced with my pistol, took Tobie on like four walkies…

In a t-shirt.

On February 4.

It’s supposed to stay this way for the rest of the week.

That’s kind of weird, not that I’m complaining. But I’m going to predict right now that March is going to be a wintry nightmare from start to finish, just to get it out of the way.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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3 Responses to All my windows are open.

  1. Judy says:

    I predict in The Valley a 120 degree summer. Not looking forward to that at all. ‘Winter’ was way too short; it should be six weeks of temps hovering around freezing, not two weeks.

  2. Uncle Anonymous says:

    Joel, it’s not just in your little part of the world where climate is getting strange. And, along with the strange weather comes the population shifts (US/Mexico border, Europe/Middle East migrants), natural disasters (in 2023 & 2024 there were 131 disasters worldwide worth more than a billion each), and dwindling resources (droughts in California, South America, Central Africa, Central Asia, central and Southern Europe, Northern Ontario plus the Prairie Provinces in Canada).

    At the risk of being stoned as a heretic, climate change is real, and what frightens me the most is the political side of the equation as countries move to protect their interests.

  3. Terrapod says:

    Well, thanks a lot for rubbing it in 😉
    We wont get above 30 for at least the next week. But then again, it is Meecheegan.

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