It’s really snowing out…
It wasn’t supposed to amount to anything – in fact it was forecast to have stopped by now. But I think even Mike would acknowledge that this is at least snowfall.
Two pieces of semi-related good news: This is supposed to be Senior Day at the Palace of Food in the biggish town about 35 miles away. I’m all dressed for it. And when I got up and peeked at the internet to see if an election winner had been announced, I moaned at the prospect of 2-3 hours trapped in a pickup truck with Neighbor L while she hurled curses at the gods for dooming us with the never-sufficiently-demonized Demon Trump, who’s gonna – I dunno, do something demented that’ll kill us all. Unlike those other guys who would have led us to paradise or something. Television has truly become a wasteland, it seems – after I betray the revolution and set myself up as president for life I’m gonna outlaw it.
So the good thing about this snowstorm is that it’s extremely well-timed, sticking all us geriatric hermits in our houses instead of hobbling off to get blown into a ditch – and being trapped in small spaces with other people’s political opinions. If you can call them opinions and not regurgitated agitprop.
The other good thing is that I don’t have to do it without running water…
We had about three quarters of a nice sunny day yesterday and the pump did its job admirably. The tank level is low – I really could have used another sunny day or two – but a workable amount of water is present. Late yesterday I drained the inevitable goop out of the pipe from the tank, and the sink and the toilet are fully functional once more.
So here’s me, cocooning away from the weather and counting my blessings. Hope you all are well.
Always feels good when your labor is rewarded with functioning utilities. Way to go man!
Congratulations on your success! Joel must serve as his own favorite plumber, painter, architect, electrician, brain surgeon…
Congratulations! Good to hear! Maybe Neighbor L will have simmered down by the time you’re forced into captivity with her. Happy cocooning.
Trumps no savior, but he’s heaps better than the alternative.
Tell neighbor L.
You don’t always get what you want. Sometimes, you get what you need.