Because I’m terrible at freehand chain sharpening…

…I had to find a source for new cutting chains before I could convert that pile of juniper in my yard into firewood. Oh, I sharpened the one chain but it never went particularly well and I was spending more time filing than cutting. I went to the saw shop in the crappy little town nearest where I live, and that’s when the other shoe fell concerning my off-brand electric chainsaw. “Oh, we don’t stock that size chain. Don’t think anybody does.”

So I went online. I hate buying stuff with sizes online. But to my utter amazement…

…when my two new chains finally arrived yesterday, they fit the bar! Which meant I could finally finish that part of winter woodcutting.

People, I had One Cut Left before I was completely done with the chainsaw. One! But…

Don’t get me wrong, I was happy to get that far toward done. But still. Murphy was snickering over my shoulder.

Now I have to split all that stuff in the wheelbarrow. Then…

…break out the Sawzall to knock those pallets apart, and…

Chop what’s left into stove lengths with the table saw. I’m really pushing the firewood thing this year: Normally I’m done with this before November. But I’ve been feeling like an old man for the past couple of months, and letting small setbacks stop me.

Tobie helped…

Even since he was a puppy he’s been such a good boy about just hanging out and amusing himself while I work in the yard. He doesn’t need constant validation, he just wants to be where I’m doing stuff.

Hey, I saw something cool in the sky yesterday while I was taking in the laundry.

Two suns! I expect there was a bunch of ice crystals in that cloud that the light was reflecting from. I don’t remember ever seeing that before.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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5 Responses to Because I’m terrible at freehand chain sharpening…

  1. John M Williams says:


  2. Joel says:

    Is that what it’s called?

  3. boynsea says:

    Yep, a Sundog.

  4. Malatrope says:

    Yeppers. Sundog. Forward-going refraction rather than backward-going reflection like rainbows, but same thing.

  5. Klaus says:

    You need to flip that bar regularly to get even wear and flat file it when needed. You probably know that though.The oiler doesn’t seem up to the task either. Just my observations from that photo.

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