First cold snap…

Night before last we got a hard frost…

Then last night we got a hard freeze.

But that’s because the clouds cleared out overnight. Gloomy as hell yesterday, almost half an inch of rain. It’s substantially warmer today than yesterday and the coming week is supposed to be sunny and mostly in the seventies. Good wood cutting weather, after a nice wake-up call to get busy on it. I’ve straightened up the woodshed – there’s still two solid tiers of wood in there which is more than half of what I ever use.

And the nicest part…

The bedroom heater is working solidly, so I’ve got my winter cosy spot back.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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5 Responses to First cold snap…

  1. Tim McCann says:

    As my father would say, splitting wood heats you twice.

  2. Mike says:

    That’s the one special thing about this time of year. You need a parka to ware in the early morning and a tee shirt with shorts by noon. Or, as an old friend would say, these days the temperature is up and down like a whore’s drawers.

  3. RCPete says:

    I got a fire going in the shop’s stove, and when I broke for lunch, it was 44 degrees and starting to drip a little. By 1:30 it was 34 degrees and snowing. Had to clear snow off the satellite dishes at 2PM. October in the Intermountain West is never dull.

  4. Jim Price says:

    I’m envious of that cozy spot. The only thing missing is a glass of whiskey.

  5. Joel says:

    The only thing missing is a glass of whiskey.

    I should have thought of that when I framed the picture. 🙂

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