Flash! Michelle Obama says something I agree with!

Yup, it’s true! She said it right here:

When stubborn inequalities still persist — in education and health, in income and wealth — I think those founders would urge us to increase our intensity, and to increase our discipline and our focus and keep fighting for a better future for our children and our grandchildren.

It’s true, and I’ve been saying it for decades. Stubborn inequalities do exist in a nation, in a world in which some usurp the right to rule and others are expected to obey. Stubborn inequalities exist in which some hold the power to steal wealth and others capable of creating wealth are expected to hand it over on demand. Stubborn inequalities most certainly exist when I am forced to pay the salaries of people who see it as their job to look for opportunities to do to me things I would deserve to die for doing to them – and they’d be happy to make it so. Brava, Mrs. Obama! You are right! Stubborn inequalities do indeed exist in this country and around the world.

Wait. That’s not the kind of inequality you’re talking about? Equality won’t exist until you’ve stolen enough from the people of this country to reduce us all to equal squalor?

Oh. Never mind what I said earlier. I still despise you.

Y’know, this is rich coming from a woman whose putatively black husband is President of the United States. Which husband – since she’s bitching in part about inequality of education – as one of his first actions in office killed the successful school voucher system in Washington DC as a sop to teachers’ unions, one of the primary reasons government schools are failing so dismally. Not that she cares, of course, because she’s happy to avail herself of one of those stubborn inequalities by seeing to it that her children attend schools my kids wouldn’t even be allowed to walk past.

Actually, now that I think about it, the broad’s got a lot of nerve talking about “inequality” when she’s a principal recipient of it. She should run for Congress; she’d be perfect.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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One Response to Flash! Michelle Obama says something I agree with!

  1. Heh…… your broad has managed to elevate the family personal chef (Mr. Kass) to Senior Policy adviser for healthy Food Initiatives. Yup she made him your new food Czar.

    What ever happened to the days when the Title Czar had negative connotations? I miss those days.

To the stake with the heretic!