All by herself. Usually there’s a flock of’em. Also usually they have the courtesy to recognize that they’re trespassing enough to at least avoid me. This one just bleated and walked up to me like I owed her money, or maybe a bale of alfalfa.
Can’t say I blame her. Not only is the Goat Guy not fencing in his goats like he promised, he’s pretty clearly back to not feeding them. So I can hardly get mad at the goats for wandering in search of food. And this one is pretty heavily pregnant, too.
Goats can be rather hard to fence in.
I’m no goat expert, but that critter looks hungry!
Ribs are showing rather more than normally…
“Goats can be rather hard to fence in.” Yes, especially when they look as underfed as that one does. Goat Guy needs to up his game.
Hmmmm, goats are tasty bbq’ed. Just hope they’re not someone’s girlfriend.
Is that a Nubian? Not that I know my goat types…
I hope someone has a polite but unambiguous talk with Goat Guy about animal husbandry.
Not fencing in the goats is decidedly impolite, but not feeding them is straight out neglect. It is unfortunate to see that.
How are the goat people doing? Are they feeding themselves
I suppose they’re doing all right. They got a mobile home so they could move out of the shed before winter. Don’t know how they’re heating it.
I don’t actually have much to do with them anymore. “I don’t shit in your yard, don’t shit in mine” is a pretty simple rule, violation of which I consider grounds for divorce.