I’m not a big Wes Anderson fan, to be honest, but…

I have Isle of Dogs on DVD, just re-watched it this evening, and it’s worth anybody’s time.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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3 Responses to I’m not a big Wes Anderson fan, to be honest, but…

  1. Malatrope says:


    I’d never heard of this. Just ordered the Bluray. Since you caused me to do this, it’s all on your head when in reality it turns out to be unwatchable. Woof.

  2. Claire Wolfe says:

    It’s wuuuuuuuderfulllll! So anybody who finds it unwatchable can put that on my head, too. I’ll share the responsibility with Joel.

    If you’re a fan of great drumming (or of composer Alexandre Desplat) you may find the soundtrack even better than the movie. But the movie is … wow. Funny, heartbreaking, weird, charming, technically impressive, powerful, etc. etc.

  3. Malatrope says:

    It gets here on election day, Claire, so I’ll either be celebrating it with a beer or with half a bottle of Jack Daniels. Either way, it should be a welcome addition to the day. Cheers! 😉

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