More Neighbor D trouble…

D has nearly spent as much time traveling by air in the past year as I did back in my globetrotting period. All by getting rushed to hospitals in the Big City.

His hip infection got bad again, and the hospital in the big town about 50 miles away wanted no part of him. So into the plane he went. Is this common? I’m kind of confused about it.

I got a phone call from Neighbor L this afternoon, saying that he was going to be in the City for a couple of weeks while they try to get it under control. We’ve heard that before. I genuinely don’t understand what’s going on with his condition. He can’t walk at all for constant pain, which has only gotten worse in the past months but nobody seems to know why. It has become a serious financial problem for this elder couple who thought they had plenty of money for a comfortable retirement when they moved out here and built their dream house in the desert together going on 20 years ago. He fell off his horse nearly fifteen months ago and it’s ruining both their lives.

I love this guy. He was one of the two capable men I met when I first moved here, always around when there were building projects to be done and he taught me a lot. He was there for my two Lair framing projects, always ready to help. I built the kitchen part of the Lair in his woodshop under his instruction. When I had my kidney stone emergency that left me practically writhing on the ground in pain he dropped what he was doing and (literally at one point) carried me to the local clinic. He’s like a foot taller than me, was far stronger than I ever was, and I was honored on the few occasions when he asked me to pitch in on some aspect of his big building project. To see him reduced to this is kind of painful. He deserves better.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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3 Responses to More Neighbor D trouble…

  1. Word from my Physical Therapist wife who is familiar with these occurrences.
    Most likely the hardware they put in him is hosting the infection. It will need to be removed and he will need to be without it for several weeks till they get the infection under control with daily IV doses of antibiotics. Then a new implant can be installed.

  2. Ben says:

    So Tobie will get extra Jeep rides for a while?

  3. Mike says:

    All it takes is a serious slip or fall to start the inevitable slide down that slippery slope of decline. I feel for neighbor D, getting old sure sucks.

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