Okay, I’m completely done with wood now.

This is the year Uncle Joel officially got too old for this shit.

Next year I’m definitely looking into buying wood from those Mexican guys in town.

Actually it’s been such an amazingly mild December that I’m not even using wood right now. But that’s gonna change at some point. Probably in a dramatic fashion, knowing the weather around here.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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6 Responses to Okay, I’m completely done with wood now.

  1. Mike says:

    As a guy who is the same age as you are and living the rural life, I get it. These past few months have gotten me wondering how long I can keep this up.

  2. FeralFae says:

    My godson cut, split and brought out all my firewood this year, and also stacked it. But we have had a very mild early winter, open and sunny a lot of days, too. I know I am getting too old for cutting and hauling firewood — a chore I once found fun and a great way to spend time outdoors. The very thought of using propane or electric heat seems silly, but I may get to that point. Congratulations on getting the wood stack ready. Yes, I’d buy firewood too, if needed. And I hope you have some Merry Christmas plans, maybe a lovely sip or two of a good libation. And Happy New Year!

  3. Spud says:

    Too old ?
    I’ll worry about being too old , after I’m dead.
    I’m disabled, and yet not totally unable.
    Just slowly , slowing down.
    Life is painful, but only death relieves the hurt.
    I choose to hurt
    The alternative sux

  4. Irving says:

    It’s not age, per se, but the “energy budget” which is finite, and very definitely, related to age; some “oldsters” have a much higher energy budget than their peers.

    In one’s youth energy is not unlimited but there’s sufficient surplus that only occasionally will one bump up against the limit. As years accumulate the body changes, muscle mass is lost – despite one’s best efforts to retain it – and, suddenly, one is faced with decision points: upon what should I choose to spend how much of the energy budget, and what portion of it should I keep in reserve?

    And, occasonally, one overspends and is forced to spend days rebuilding the budget, meaning nothing much gets done. .

    Which absolutely, totally sucks because it’s the harbinger of a continually shrinking budget whch drives that monster we all hate: Changing how we live.

  5. fred says:

    Been heating with wood for years. gradually I’ve accumulated power equipment to make it easier. But firewood is work no matter how you pile it. And if you’re processing it correctly it will warm you several times…

  6. doubletrouble says:

    I’ve felled, twitched out, limbed, bucked, & split firewood from my property for 31 years. This year, for the 1st time, I bought cordwood. Gettin’ too old for this shit…I hear that!

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