Rat nest in the throttle linkage. Again.

Yesterday morning I drove to D&L’s to meet them for the Monday morning water run. Got up my hill, and then all of a sudden the throttle didn’t work. Didn’t freak out about it, this has happened before, I just stopped the Jeep, turned the engine off…

…and then opened the hood and cleaned the big messy rat nest off the top of the engine. Some bits of wood had worked their way into the throttle linkage.

Could be worse: This time the nest stopped me from opening the throttle. Last time’s nest stopped me from closing it. Much worse. And then there was that time a rat ate through some of my fuel injector leads…

Anyway: This morning Tobie and I went for our morning walk early, for the cool.

Had a nice rainstorm last evening and sometime overnight the wash ran. This is the difference between running and flooding: Running stays in the channel, doesn’t tear shit up, is over fairly quickly and after a few hours or less the crossings are passible again. With flooding, the other things happen.

I can’t recall what this plant is…

…but they’re everywhere this time of year. And with the wet monsoon they’re really flourishing. Pretty flowers that open in the evening and close when the sun hits them.

And now it’s baking day. 🙂

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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5 Responses to Rat nest in the throttle linkage. Again.

  1. anonymous says:

    Wow! color. Desert bluebells?

  2. Anonymous says:

    The plant might be evening primrose.

  3. John of the GMA says:

    “Rats in the throttle again…” Dr. Cody” strikes again!

  4. Mike says:

    You have rats, we have field mice. Regardless, I hate these pests. I’m glad the rat’s nest wasn’t a huge problem.

    I’m not much of a gardener so I showed the flower photo to my wife. She thinks they are Carpathian Bell-flowers. One thing is for sure, the flowers just prove that no matter how harsh the environment, life will find a way.

  5. ChrisJ says:

    They’re Desert Four O’Clocks: https://www.americansouthwest.net/plants/wildflowers/mirabilis-multiflora.html

    Here’s a handy website for identification of the wildflowers in your area: https://www.americansouthwest.net/plants/wildflowers/new-mexico.shtml

    Sure wish there was a way for you to keep those little b@stards out of that engine compartment!

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