That is officially the coldest recorded temperature outside the Secret Lair since 2019. Naturally on the morning I had to leave early to do something I don’t often do: Drive Neighbor L’s Jeep right through town.
For the third time, her fancy pickup truck needed to be flatbedded to the Dodge dealership in the big town about 50 miles away, which in this case meant she needed to meet the driver in the little town nearest where we live and was going to need a ride back. Also she wasn’t 100% confident the truck would get her to town without trouble so she also needed somebody watching her six. No problem, really: I don’t drive on pavement because I haven’t had a DL for over 20 years. Doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten how, but it has gotten so rare that I’m not really comfortable doing it.
Tobie cooperated with a much shorter than standard morning walkie once he realized how frickin’ cold it was outside: He has a full winter coat but when his tender toesies hit the ice he just about vetoed the whole idea. Bending to necessity he did his chores immediately and we got the hell back indoors but I still had to stuff myself into both Jeeps bundled up to the max. It’s after 10 ayem now and the sun has been up for two hours in a cloudless sky and it’s still not 20 degrees out.
Water system’s holding pressure and the woodstove has the cabin’s inside nice and toasty, though. So now I’m kicking back, thinking about those five frigid winters in the Interim Lair, and counting my blessings.
Yah, it was -3F this AM when I went out to clear the driveway of snow drifts, but then I live in SW Michigan and not the middle high desert of AZ. Stay warm and avoid frostbite both for you and your K9.
The good news, at -3 or below 10, snow stays powder and is easy to remove. The bad news is the freaking wind machine is on and what I cleared hours ago is already drifting back up. Grrr.
Supposed to be -7 tonight, which is sort of unheard of even in this corner of Ohio.
The pictures of snow on Bourbon Street, including one with a couple on skis were surreal, as were the pictures of kids playing in the snow in Houston.
Minus seven? Snow in Huston and on Bourbon Street? Damn those Canadians with their polar vortex. Oh wait, I’m Canadian. Never mind. 🤣
Joking aside, it has been pretty cold around here too. Last night, it hit -20F. I’m just glad I don’t have to work overnight outside anymore.