Sorry, been away from the keyboard…

Haven’t really been sleeping well the past several nights. Nothing wrong, it just comes and goes. Also I went to the big town about 50 miles away yesterday and that seems to have used up my supply of wanna-do for today as well. Basically I’ve just been sitting around reading a really bad scifi novel when I should be working. Here are funny pictures instead.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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7 Responses to Sorry, been away from the keyboard…

  1. Ben says:

    Any luck getting your display replaced?

  2. doubletrouble says:

    “Geezer’s Paradox”! Love it… I’m gonna write that one down…

  3. mikemcdowell3006 says:

    Tree Mike
    Believe or not, going into the big city gets you bombarded with huge quantities of 5 and other “G’s” of radio/micro wave/electro/magnetic radiation. That shit has an effect on those that aren’t hardened/used to it. After I come back from a VA appointment in Nashville I am jet lagged(?), foggy, thrashed, for AWHILE. Usually need a nap shortly after making it home to the sticks of RURAL Tennessee, even after a nap, not motivated.

  4. Joel says:

    Any luck getting your display replaced?

    Yup, the phone is good as new.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Believe or not, going into the big city gets you bombarded with huge quantities of 5 and other “G’s” of radio/micro wave/electro/magnetic radiation.

    It’s non-ionizing radiation, can only cause heating.

    If the big city gets you stressed out, you can say it.
    Consider this your safe place : )

  6. Mike says:

    Good news about the phone, and thanks for the geezer’s paradox.

  7. Ben says:

    Joel could be our emotional support hermit.

To the stake with the heretic!