Well, except for the desk. But I’m afraid of hurting that if I move it myself, so I’ll wait for help. Everything else is done now.
A couple of years ago our weekender neighbors were getting rid of these two cheap interim dressers they’d replaced with good ones, and I stored them in the barn. One had a little damage to the legs, but nothing that couldn’t be fixed. To my surprise the rats left them alone, and today I moved them to the Lair’s loft.
Finally found a use for that hundred feet of rope I keep in the Jeep.
Yeah, I’m a ways from done on the ceiling and that one wall. And that lamp … well, I had an idea I could scavenge lamps from the old RV, and that one lamp is when I found out they don’t use standard boxes. I’ve still got to replace that one.
The mattress came from Landlady, and a bedstead came with it but the legs are too wide. As you can see I’m not overburdened with space up there. In fact, after five years of sleeping on a couch I’m thinking maybe I want to do away with the mattress entirely and just get myself a decent cot. Certainly, with the exception of one folding chair there’s no more furniture in the loft’s future.
When I was done with that I went around with the remaining shelves I made for the cat ladder and used them for the Lair’s secondary lighting system. I’ve always planned to hang kerosene lamps in the cabin, for the inevitable electrical failures. The shelves weren’t in the original plan, though…
I picked these lamps from Lehman’s because they could be hung from a wall, but it turns out not so much. Those little metal handles are adequate for carrying, but so thin and flexible that you really can’t hang them from a screw. They just sag over. So I was happy to have some shelf brackets left.
And when I got hungry, I ate the first hot food I’ve ever had in the Secret Lair!
Joel, the place is looking wonderful. Congrats, and enjoy!
I agree — looking great, Joel. And moving so fast, too!
How on earth did you get that big dresser into the loft?
Rope – it’s not very heavy. That’s why I’ve left the horizontal bits off the railing.
Ah … I saw the rope attached to the drawers, but I never imagined you’d be able to use the same technique on the big, bulky body of the dresser. Well done.
Wow, that is one sweet hide-away. Nice & cozy. I’ve enjoyed following your efforts & it’s nice to see the Lair nearing completion.
Ditto on all the above
“And when I got hungry, I ate the first hot food I’ve ever had in the Secret Lair! “
Gives a whole new meaning to “House Warming” !
You’re so close to being finished – what are you going to do with all your spare time when it’s done??
That’s awesome, Joel. So? Where’s my room?