Weather has turned cool and very windy but sunny, perfect day for baking. I finish up and put the loaf on a rack to cool…
…go sit in my reading chair, for to sit and read…
…and almost immediately recognize my tactical error. I can’t see the counter from the chair, and Tobie knows it.
I look up. Tobie is nowhere to be seen.
There’s a muffled thud, as Tobie hits all four and hurries back into view.
But the bread smells so good! Whine, whine.
Perhaps strategically-placed mouse traps on the counter would be a deterrent/learning moment. Covered with newspaper as to avoid actual doggie damage, of course. We want learning, not neuroticism. Forgive me if I’m mansplaining.
@Robert: Mansplaining, shmamsplaining. A male, presented with a problem, will suggest solutions. That’s why as a species we are still around.
Mal: Y’mean Joel doesn’t want us to simply listen to how he feels? 🙂
NPR reporter kept asking a suffering Ukrainian civilian how she felt. Repeatedly. Idiot.
Ya gotta keep your eye on your roommates! Funny how quickly YOUR food turns into OUR/THEIR food. Daughter once made a ‘tactical error’ and left a whole chicken on the counter top. Came back and found no chicken, but a satisfied Great Dane.
The only dog I ever met that could stand on her hind legs, put her paws on my shoulders and look me in the eye, begging for ear skritches.
Bwa ha ha! Think of it this way, Joel – it’s a good thing that Tobie keeps the old desert hermit on his toes!
But I do not see any crumbs on Tobie, even though you took that photo with a good camera and I enlarged it as much as I could!
Learned the hard way about keeping food up. Got a 25 pound 3 legged dog that is food obsessed. Though he has only 1 back leg, I’ve seen him jump up onto a 30” high raised garden bed to eat my last cantaloupe. We don’t leave a room without making sure all food and drink is up. My “ little bobby” is a rescue who lived on the streets and has known hard times. Once he has something he will will fight you to keep it.
Sounds like “build a breadbox” might need to be added to the to-do list.
Breadbox, genius! The solution may be here: