Who’s Rachel Vindman?

And why does she seem so worried?

For the record Biden left office and didn’t give me a pardon either. But I never gave him any money so my sense of betrayal is limited.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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6 Responses to Who’s Rachel Vindman?

  1. Uncle Anonymous says:

    She is the wife of Alexander Vindman, who is a retired army officer. Alexander Vindman was subpoenaed to testify before Congressional investigators on October 29, 2019, as part of the U.S. House of Representatives’ impeachment inquiry against DonOLD Trump. The reason for her being afraid is DonOLD’s lifelong theme of vengeance against those who he thinks have wronged him.

  2. Paul B says:

    Well, this could not happen to a better group of recipients. Bet Vindman turns on Miley now.

  3. B says:

    Typical Liberal overreaction and spotlight seeking.

    Now that her hubby can’t help the DNC types anymore, she has to claim that she is afraid and hints that she was betrayed (no pardon for her husband…….for what? Lying to congress?)

    These people need to have the spotlight and need to be the victims. It is part of what they are.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Actually, she has every right to be afraid. Vengeance has been a lifelong theme in the Trump story. This has been known as far back as 1992 when he said to interviewer Charlie Rose: ‘I love getting even with people’. Revenge isn’t a passion, it’s a disease that eats at the mind and poisons the soul, but, that’s the Trump way.

  5. Mark Matis says:

    After suffering through four years of “lawfare”, why would he NOT go to deal with the evil behind it?

  6. Klaus says:

    LT. Col.Aleksandr Semyonovich Vindman is a traitor and was the deep states boy for all things Ukraine and he lied multiple times under oath as well regarding Trump.

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