Cutting up the pears…

Except for a few I picked just a couple of days ago, the pears have softened up nicely so this morning I quartered and cored them. Since there were many very small pears this took me like an hour and a half standing at the counter and my back did not thank me. Also, the bounty has raised an unexpected problem I certainly didn’t face last time…

The raw pears completely fill my biggest pot. Which means I either have to make two or three batches of pear butter, or maybe I can use the little food processor that’s stashed at Ian’s place to reduce the volume. I’m going to try that and see how it works, but first Tobie and I have to take a Jeep ride to S&L’s. I’m taking care of their chickens and cat while they’re gone, and I think the chickens are going to like all these pear cores.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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7 Responses to Cutting up the pears…

  1. Anonymous says:

    Is this pear butter similar to apple butter?

  2. Klaus says:

    They’ll love them…

  3. Tennessee Budd says:

    I get pear butter from my uncle & aunt every year. Lovely stuff!
    Yes, anon@ 3:29, it’s similar to apple butter.

  4. Mark Matis says:

    Isn’t it about time to launder Tobie’s bed cover again?

  5. M says:

    Lovely – Next harvest – a big electric roaster works well to cook these down. Maybe a neighbor has one you could borrow.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Hi ya – read you everyday!

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